Hi everyone! Today we’re gonna teach you something really simple. And that’s how to update your MIDI controller firmware. Here at Morningstar we constantly innovate and update our controllers’ firmware to give you the best possible user experience and also add more capabilities to your controllers. It’s very simple and quick to do. You can either watch the video below or read on!
To update your Morningstar controller firmware, you first need to download the Morningstar Firmware Updater from the Morningstar website in the Downloads section. Both Mac OS and Windows versions are available. Just download the correct version for your operating system. Install the Firmware Updater on your computer. If you are on Mac OS, you may need to go into your security and privacy settings, click on the lock icon to make changes and click on Open Anyway to allow the application to be installed.
After you’ve installed the Firmware Updater, you’ll need to download the latest device firmware, also found under the Downloads section on the Morningstar Website. Update history is all available on the website so that you know what performance improvements and bug fixes the new firmware will bring. On the left, you will be able to see if the firmware is a pre-release beta version or a fully trialed and tested version. If you really need the new features found in the latest beta version, you can give it a go. If not, you can wait a while till it’s fully tested and officially released.
Under Assets you will see the hex file that you need to download. Once you’ve downloaded it, launch the Morningstar Firmware Updater and connect your MIDI controller to your computer via USB. Your controller will automatically be recognised by the Updater. Click on the Upload button in the top left corner and open the hex file from your downloads folder. The update you begin automatically. And that's it! You've just uploaded your MIDI controller.