As the MC6 Editor now allows the modification of bank specific behaviour, for example changing the status of Clear Preset Toggles, it would be really useful to be able to configure a set of messages that are sent when a bank is selected.
The bank entry facility would be somewhat analogous to a constructor method in object-oriented programming in that the associated commands would only be sent the once when selecting the bank.
The main purpose of the facility would be to coordinate a set of actions on a device, or devices, when selecting a bank. For example, to select a preset and configure an option on one device, select a preset on another device, and so on.
MSG1 - Type: Program Change, Value: PC Number: 2, Channel: 1
MSG2 - Type: Control Change, CC Number:69 , CC Value 2, Channel: 1
MSG3 - Type: Program Change, Value: PC Number: 4, Channel: 2
MSG4 - Type: Program Change, Value: PC Number: 12, Channel: 3
The desire to see this kind of facility has been expressed by a number of different people and would be not only appreciated but a powerful addition to MC6 functionality.
** If it’s the case that implementing this feature for on-device editing is difficult and cumbersome maybe it’s a facility that would reserved for configuration using the MC6 Editor. One of the main attractions of the MC6 is being able to use the editor on a computer and I don’t think most people would object to living with that being a restriction.