Hi Morningstar
Thank you for being so proactive and responsive to firmware updates and feature requests. Is something like a song mode or an improved GUI for rearranging banks in the plans?
Something along the lines of the Boss ES-8, Musicomlab MKIV and up and RJM? I also thought that the songlist selector on the Zoom MS-70CDR was quite easy to use albeit rudimentary.
I'd imagine storing 30 songs, one in each bank, and the ability to quickly rearrange before a set would be a very useful feature.
... yeah Absolutely! :). I totally agree this would sure be something I'd want too! ... Being able to just alternatively call the banks, "songs" and then be able to arrange them in sets as needed. And doable from inside either sofftware or Web editor. Check out the software/features of the old Digitek PMC10. It had 99 Songs/banks in it!! Any chance of upping the number of banks also? ,
So are we saying that the MC6 doesn't have the capability at the moment to organize banks into predetermined sets?
Hey all!
I was thinking about this as well, plus a similar thought for even programming presets in the MC6.
In the web editor, if there were a drag-and-drop interface for moving messages within a preset, that could be helpful. I was setting up some buttons to perform conditional functions (which is awesome, by the way!), and if I misplaced a step, it often involved redoing several steps to insert something earlier in the message chain. Not a huge deal, but it could save some time.
Something similar would be awesome for arranging banks. Maybe the only issue I can think of (which I just thought of now as I'm thinking it through) is that if you have any buttons set up to directly access a bank #, and then you move that bank, your direct access would take you somewhere else.
A separate mode such as Edo mentioned could be a way around this, but not sure.
Anyway - having fun with my new setup, and it's got my brain working, which I think is kinda cool, if not distracting... lol