I dunno if this is present on earlier versions, but I have an external two-button controller. I have my presets set to quickly control my BigSky and my Timeline.
Banks 1-3 are BigSky PCs, Banks 4-7 are Timeline PCs.
I've set button H to toggle through Banks 1-3 (incrementing the bank until it reaches 3, then going back to bank 1) on all of those banks. This allows me to tap one button to see all the pages of BigSky presets. A tap on that button on any of the Timeline banks (4-7) takes me to page 1. Button G, on banks 1-3, will take me to bank 4. I've done the same concept on the Timeline banks (4-7) except with the buttons reversed. In essence, button H allows me to scroll through pages of BigSky patches, while button G allows me to scroll through the pages of Timeline patches.
That said, I tried using MC Bank Up on banks 1 and 2. Here's the issue: if I arrive on Bank 3 and tap button H again while the bank name is still being displayed on the screen, it doesn't acknowledge that button H, on bank 3, is set to Set Bank 1, and instead, takes me to bank 4. I'm not holding down the button, but for those 500ms or so when that message is being displayed, it just fast-forwards through.
It seems as if the bank does not load fast enough (or the old bank is still unloading from memory) while you're transitioning. I had to use another workaround (using Set Bank) on all of them, which I don't like as much.
That said, is there any way (some configuration option I overlooked, perhaps?) to disable the Bank Name message (or, when blank, just displaying Bank: X)? I feel like this, while giving less feedback of where you are, would improve the speed of the bank loading.
Nice! I didn't see that in the docs anywhere, but things seem a lot more responsive now. Love it!