I've been trying to play a bass synth with the MC6 and it's not working... at all! :-) In fact it's actually bugging any synth I've tried with it. Synth stops working properly until I power cycle it. I don't really mind since I'm using it for other purposes(loving it by the way! awesome box!) but it would be a plus for me, and other people I think...
Was just wondering if you guys ever thought of making this possible?
That would be awesome ;-)
IT'S ALIVE! it worked! thanks so much!
Thanks so much! Sorry if it's a stupid question, i'm kind of a midi newb...
I gotta say: awesome customer service! :-) much appreciated since I didn't even hoped for an answer!
We'll test this on our end as well. Will update
OK, the issue is because the Synth requires a note off message after receiving a Note on. Hence you need to program a Note off message into your preset when the switch is released. You can look into adding conditional messages to do this.
I forgot to mention: I'm actually trying to play notes(using Note On) Everything else(CC messages, ...) works exactly as it should, no problems whatsoever.
I've tried it with an Arturia Minibrute, Korg Arp Odyssey, Bastl MicroGranny, Korg MicroKorg XL and several Ableton Instruments. All of them became unresponsive after receiving a Note On from the MC6.
Hi Barbe!
What synth are you using it with, and what are the issues you are facing? We can verify it on our side. Also, what midi messages are you sending to your synth?
The Midi protocol is standard across all devices and I don't think it is an issue with the messages from the MC6