Hi, I'm planning on using a Morningstar MC6 with my guitar pedalboard, but also am looking into possibilities of using it to send notes to a synthesizer. From my understanding, you would note on then note off to get a single note from the synth, and you can do this for multiple notes. How do you determine the timing of the messages? Can I click one patch to send midi to play a 5 note passage on the synthesizer (and looped?)? Or is it that the notes only play immediately once I press the switch? I'm definitely a midi noob so I'd appreciate any and all help/tips.
Thanks for your help! I guess its not really practical to play something on a synth with this then, without some tapdancing.
It's currently not possible to 'sequence' note on/off data with any rhythmic value. I haven't tried this, but I would imagine that if you used multiple Note On messages in a single preset, it would result in a sustained chord. You could then have another preset with Note Off messages to turn the chord off.