Hello. Just recieved an MC6 in the post today and getting to grips with it. Managed to configure my three Strymons with MIDI thru and successfully change patches to all three devices with the MC6. If I plug the three Strymons in series into my MIDI IO for my Mac the Strymon Nixie editing software sees all three devices for editing. If I then add the MC6 before the first Strymon it doesn't see any devices.
I've tried toggling MIDI thru but no joy so far. I suspect the Strymons use Sysex. Is this passed through the MIDI thru on the MC6? I tried upgrading the software to the 2.5 beta but same behaviour. I could get around this with a MIDI merge but would rather not add more devices if I can avoid it.
Any ideas please?
It seems you have tons more messages. Very strange. Why would the latest firmware be worse than the previous one? Makes no sense to me. Will write to James.
I'm running firmware 2.5 on the version 1 of the box. Sounds like you're on the later box. This is a screenshot from the desktop editor showing it in the dropdown
BTW, neither do I find CC Toggle Hold if I edit preset on the device itself. I am running firmware v3.2.3
For me, the web editor at https://editor.morningstar.io/ does not work. Thanks.
Screenshot of freeze only when holding down footswitch
Thanks! Will try this out as soon as I get back.
A further update. I got the MC6 to do freeze only when pressing and holding. Unforunately I can't provide a screenshot from the editor as it's decided it's not working today so I programmed it on the box direct. The value of 127 and zero are swapped with each other and the control message is cc tog hold
Hi Carlos. Just got a chance to have a play. I went straight to the press / hold switch function. One thing you need to be careful of with this kind of thing is the type of CC message you use. I chose 'CC toggle' as the freeze function has two states, on and off. This means when you press the button once it switches the parameter (in this case freeze) on and press it again it switches off. Helpfully Morningstar makes this type of CC function flash when it's on and solid when it's off. All worked perfectly and I set it up with the bottom row to do freeze on the Sky, Tim & Mob , with the top row to switch the bypass on and off for each pedal. Here's a screenshot of the freeze on / off for the Big Sky
. Now I've set up the software I think it's easier than programming direct on the pedal so I'll explore further!
I have been testing the CCs # 80, 81 and 82 corresponding to A, B and C foot switches: down=0, up=127. It does work, but the freeze function is toggled. I need to press again to go back to normal reverb. It can be used, but it is not a true hold function. Screenshot below.
Best, Carlos.
It seems you're not the only one having issues with the freeze function and it killing the dry signal. I'll try to programme mine later as it's a useful function for me too. This thread is for a different controller but the same issue
I'll have a look at the MIDI implementation map when I get a chance. MIDI takes quite a bit to get your head around but once you've done a few things it falls into place. Glad it was something simple
Thank you. I did have a Control Change #97 with value 127 in the problematic presets, which the Strymon manual assigns to "Press/Hold switch". If I take that out it works! What a relief! Thanks.
Now, I don't understand why that command does not work. I would like to invoke a Freeze in the BigSky by a long press in the MC6. In the BigSky, a Freeze is achieved by holding down the switch. I want to do the same but from the MC6. And I though that CC#97 would do the trick, but obviously it does not. Here is the screenshot of what I was trying to do:
Sounds like something in your presets is setting one of the volumes to zero. Check through the pages and see if there's anything obvious. I've never used the editor like that, just programmed direct from the hardware
PLEASE HELP!! I just finished programming the MC6 with all my Bigsky presets. Did a dry test (no guitar) and the presets are changed beautifully. Alas.... when I connect the guitar and play some sounds there is no reverb at all. If I do a off/on power cycle on the Strymon, the reverb is back. But as soon as I press a switch in the MC6 the reverb is gone, even though the presets are changing as expected in the Strymon. I thought that perhaps my MC6 presets were putting the Strymon in bypass, but pressing the switches on the Strymon does not change anything. Disconnecting the MC6 does not bring back the reverb. Only power off/on does. I want to commit sucide. I invested so much in this MIDI thing and now it does not work at all. Why is this happening????
Thanks for the information James. Sounds like a midi merge might be my best option to ensure everything behaves
The sysex messages should be passing thru. I'll need some time to re-verify this. Will update soon.
Generally if you are using the Nixie live, do note that the MC6 has a 'soft' Midi thru, which means that incoming messages are processed before it is sent out. If the MC6 is running other functions, the messages that are sent out might be delayed.