I use the MC6 with the HXStomp and I want to assign a switch to on/off the reverb block.
That works fine. But I also want change the decay-status of that reverb via a long press.
The on/off status toggles with CC#8 (stomp learned it) but I can not make the assignment for the decay-control. For the control of the decay I took another CC# of course. I've made the CC-assignations like on the pic.
Can you tell whats wrong?
Thanks, Sigi
The following works. It requires v3.3.0 Beta firmware. Note, Toggle has to be set to Toggle Off. Long Press is used to set one value to the decay, and Double Tap another. If you want to toggle the decay values I think you're better off using 2 switches.
yes! thanks a lot. That works, but now the name of the on/off status is not constantly correct. It's rather confusing. I guess it's better to use another switch for the longer decay.... thanks nevertheless!
Try changing all of your "Press" Actions to "Release". Keep your "Long Press" Actions like you have them.