I have a question...
I am using one of the MC6 switches (A) as a "PC Toggle" switch to send PC 0 and then, when 'toggled', send a PC 1 message. What I want to do is to have the 'inactive state" to display "Clean" and the "active state" to display "Crunch".
Is it possible to do that with the MC6? I am able to toggle the presets on my effects unit without issue, but I need the MC6 to display a different name for each PC change with the toggle.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Awesome! I will give the new firmware a go when I get back from work. Thanks James for your great support. I appreciate it!
Have a good day!
Ok just pushed the changes.. Do give it a go and let me know how it works for you:)
James- sure...your proposed method would accomplish the same goals! Thanks for your willingness to implement this feature!
Looking forward to the new firmware-
Actually, Ive got a different idea. Something like:
For long name, use "#" first and then a 6 character name. For example, set long name to #Crunch, and short name to Clean. That will tell the controller to display the long name when the preset is toggled. The only drawback is that the preset will not display any long name, which I guess should be better as compared to the current method.
Sorry to keep adding to this discussion...
After thinking about it, I suspect that making the %name1/name2% feature would be difficult to implement in firmware.
What would ULTIMATELY BE BEST would be to work on changing the editor so that when you select "PC Toggle", you get the "Active State" field and then an "Active Name" field and the "inactive state" field and an "inactive name" field. This would ultimately be the most flexible and powerful implementation of the PC Toggle feature in MC6!!!
Thanks Again,
Awesome! Would it be possible to make is such that you could have user customizable names? For example, %name1/name2%
This is what I mean... In the current firmware these are the possibilities:
%ps% PlayStop
Will show number in PC Scroll array. E0 = first number, while E7 = the 8th (last) number in the array
%a% On Off
SO, something like %name1/name2% would be infinitely customizable for the end user. That would be better than 'hardwiring' 'Clean/Crunch'.
Hi Terence,
We'll add this combination (Clean / Crunch) in the v2.5 beta and push the changes next week.