Hi there, I have an expression pedal hooked up and depending on the preset, sending CC messages out to my pedals, but I seem to be having an issue with the pedals actually registering every CC message.
For example, I have it so that the expression pedal on one preset is controlling the volume control of a Source Audio Programmable EQ. The problem is that sometimes when I've cranked the pedal all the way forward and should be registering as me turning the volume all the war to the right, I can tell that the volume has only registered that I turned it up a portion of the way. I'll crank the pedal back and forth again, and maybe this time it will be a little higher/closer to the top of the sweep. Then I'll crank it back and forth again real fast and it will only register that I've gone half way up.
It almost seems like the pedal is being overloaded with midi CC messages and just can't keep up. I'm not exactly sure. It doesn't seem like it's a calibration issue, but an issue of the MC6 sending CC messages in a way that these pedals can't register. The same thing also seems to be happening on Chase Bliss Pedals (Condor, Brothers), and a Boss DD-500.
Any thoughts/ideas?
Maybe a stupid question but you have calibrated the pedal as per the instructions in the manual? You can get behavior much like you’re describing if the calibration isn’t done.
Just going to comment on this in hopes to bring it back up to the top. Was finally able to update to the newest firmware, and still seem to be having the same issue. Even tried adding in the "Expression Heel" and "Expression Toe" message to ensure it throws a 0 or a 127, but it didn't do anything.