I notice that the midi editor pictured on the new MK II product page looks to have a much updated GUI. Is this software compatible with the old MK I? Also I can't seem to find any info on verifying and updating current firmware version? What are the latest versions of everything for the MK I?
The editor was also completely rebuilt for the MKII, hence the MKI is using a different editor.
You can find the editor here: https://github.com/Morningstar-Engineering/Desktop-Midi-Editor/releases
The MKI web editor can be found at https://editor.morningstar.io/
James, thanks for reply.
I guess my firmware is up to date then at 2.5.0.
I'm still not clear about the situation with the desktop editor. Does the latest editor work with both MKI and MKII? or are the editors model specific? I currently have MDE v1.0.1. Is that the latest editor for the MKI?
The MKII firmware is not compatible with the MKI hardware.
You can find the latest firmware for the MKI here: https://github.com/Morningstar-Engineering/MC6-Midi-Controller/releases